From Third Cinema to Media Justice: Third World Majority and the Promise of Third Cinema

From Third Cinema to Media Justice: Third World Majority and the Promise of Third Cinema, edited by Kara Keeling and Thenmozhi Soundararajan has just been released as an online Scalar publication.
Third World Majority was one of the first women of color media justice collectives in the United States, operating from 2001 to 2008. From Third Cinema to Media Justice: Third World Majority and the Promise of Third Cinema is a collaborative multi-media archival and scholarly project. From Third Cinema to Media Justice brings together a comprehensive digital collection of materials produced by Third World Majority during the years of their existence along with scholarly essays, historical retrospectives, and dialogues about the work of Third World Majority.

Readers can access the Third World Majority’s video collection directly by choosing “Archive” from the main table of contents and from there explore curriculum materials and best practices for teaching with this archive.
By selecting “Dialogue” readers can browse a series of essays by activists, scholars, and cultural workers who draw on the archive to explore the history, ideas, and production models of this collective. Essays in this publication include “Introduction: Guiding Questions” by Kara Keeling, “Culture is a Weapon: Women of Colour Media Activism in the 2000s” by Carrie Rentschler, “’Take the Red Pill of Media Justice’: Third World Majority and Media Justice Activism” by Lena Palacios, “Third World Majority as Feminist Online Space” by Alexandra Juhasz, and “Decolonial Media Praxis: From Cinema to Network” by micha cárdenas.