The Alliance for Networking Visual Culture

Scalar concepts published in Digital Studies / Le champ numérique

Online, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal Digital Studies/Le champ numérique has published a detailed article by ANVC Info Design Director, Craig Dietrich, and NEH-Vectors Summer Institute alum, Jentery Sayers (Assistant Professor, English; Director, Maker Lab in the Humanities; University of Victoria), on scholarly communication and digital asset management. The article, “After the Document Model for Scholarly…

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Scalar downtime during move

The Scalar server will be offline at some point for a predicted 2 hours, any time between Weds, June 19, and Thurs June 20 (PDT) during an equipment move to a new building location. We apologize for the ongoing uncertainty as to the exact timing, but we are dependent upon entities beyond our control. We…

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Curious about Scalar? Sign up for a webinar!

Following up on our recent Beta release, the Scalar development team will offering free online webinars to help new users and the curious learn the platform more easily. The “Intro” webinars will cover the basics of Scalar: fundamental concepts, a review of existing Scalar books, and a hands-on introduction to the main Scalar features such…

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